15 September 2015
Pressure and Time
There once was a nomad dinosaur who escaped being part of the LaBrea Tar Pits by wandering off alone into the desolate golden hills of a prehistoric California. Eventually, as all things must go so did this one lonely nomad dinosaur, now old, wise and a prehistoric sage beyond his years. He died, his body decayed in the unforgiving sun, his bones covered with the sentiments of many, many ages. His body trodden and buried by hundreds of thousands of pounds in the heavy Earth. The squeezing formation, the shifting of the tectonic plates, the unimaginable pressure which further compressed those old, lonely nomad dinosaur’s bones took a toll, but when combined with time, the result was a brilliant metamorphosis! That old sage of a creature, the lonely nomad dinosaur who wandered away from the rest only to die alone, far, far from where he started had, with nothing more than pressure and time, become a rare and beautiful diamond.
However, although it been century upon century, lifetimes had passed and nobody ever found this transformed nomad, this wise old sage. In the rocky dirt he laid for ages, watching history change and never being noticed for who he really was, he was just part of a large, old rock. A dirty piece of boulder along the side of California’s superhighways, thousands saw him day after day and not once did anyone recognize who this really was, nobody saw the rich value of his wisdom, his many facets of brilliance and reflections of beauty. Nobody saw it until one day, quite randomly and unexpected, a Warrior Princess was harvesting hemp when, almost by accident, she stumbled upon that lonely old nomad dinosaur. She almost cursed, she almost swore, she almost got up and walked away but there, in the golden dirt of those California hills, something sparkled for a moment, something in the rock caught her mind. The Warrior Princess hoisted the rock and along with her bounty of hemp and berries, she walked to her cave dwelling and put the rock aside for a while.
Over the relatively short period of a couple of weeks, while life went on in the most ordinary of ways, The Warrior Princess sat down to clean off that dirty old rock, looking for that special sparkle that first caught her eye, she did it a little bit each and every day. Then, one night when nobody was a round, when the moon was full and bright, when she could not sleep through the night, The Warrior Princess really got down and dirty with that old dusty rock. She polished it hard, her hands gripping the fragments and ripping away the layers of sentiments, the old memories of being long forgotten until, at last, sometime just before dawn, she found it, the source of the sparkle, the diamond in the rough. She did not stop, she continued day by day, when she had a free moment, she polished that gem, she romanced the stone and in return, the old, lonely nomad dinosaur again gleamed with a brilliance and wealth of intelligence, wisdom and awe for the magic of nature. The Warrior Princess, always modest, a generous, benevolent and kind soul knew that although she indeed loved this wondrous, magic old rock…it was not really her to keep. It must shared with the world, it must be used for the benefit of all and not simply for herself. Once her work was done, when the dirty rocks and clumps of clay were stripped away and all that was left was a mighty, four foot in diameter diamond, The Warrior Princess again hauled the heavy gem upon her stead and rode across the Golden Hills to The City of Angels.
Along the way, it was several days journey, the mysterious old gem seemed to vibrate and hum. The Warrior Princess first thought it was the cannabis, but she knew better than that and realized it was stone, it was calling to her and it said “Please don’t leave me now.”
“Are you speaking to me?” The Warrior Princess spoke aloud and then, as if she knew the rock was listening, she continued, “It’s close to dark, we shall rest and come to The Hills of Hollywood tomorrow…we shall rest here, rock.” The warrior Princess made camp for the night, huddling in a craggy alcove, safe from the dangers of predators but someplace where she could see the moon clear and bright. As she did this, she kept trying to clear her mind, she was listening for the Rock to speak to her, she was waiting for a conversation. Nothing happened. A small fire, some berries and tea, The Warrior Princess ate in silence, still waiting, listening until she let the fire die and laid next to the Rock for the night. She rubbed the smooth, flat facet of this magnificent Rock and sighed, “Good night.”
“Good Night.” The Rock responded and then it said, inside The Warrior Princess’ head, “You cannot share me with the world like this, they will destroy me, they will cut and divide me, they will all want a piece of me and all I will do is diminish.”
“You are speaking to me, right?” The Warrior Princess said aloud as she sat up, her long dark hair dangled over the left side her face, a wavy curly mane, a veil across her dark, mysterious eye…her other eye, the brow arched perfectly, already asked the question that was about to speak, “I’m not fucking crazy, am I?”
“Does it matter if you’re crazy or not?” the Rock pondered inside her mind, she could feel the gem stone smile, “You know I’m right, it’s the truth, don’t you?”
“Yes, I know…” she gently placed her fingers on the old nomad, “What shall I do?”
“I belong to you, just keep me.”
“But what about the magic you are, what about the joy you can give so many?” The Warrior Princess stopped speaking out loud, she continued the dialogue inside her mind, inside her mind this Rock was a Soul, not just a gem stone. Inside her mind she could hold this Soul, she could embrace and comfort this Soul, she romanced the Soul, “Please, more than ever, the world needs to know this can exist, you are proof, you are an answer…you are…”
“You are the lighthouse keeper’s beam, the hope of an eternal night.” The Rock Soul sighed, “I may be the dream but you’ve got vision.”
“No, I am but a humble servant to the needs of others…” The Warrior Princess knew she didn’t to explain anything more about her life, The Rock Soul knows. Her warm breath made the sides of several facets blush with foggy steam, “A servant to your needs.”
“I really need you.”
“You save me, you are me…” The Rock Soul felt warmer, “…as I am you.”
“I don’t understand…” The Warrior Princess suddenly got upset, she stood up, her mighty shoulders reflecting like sapphire wings in the moonlight, she spoke out loud, “I don’t get it!”
“The only way I am not demised by sharing who I am is when I freely give of myself…” the Rock Soul’s voice now echoed as loud as The Warrior Princess in the dark, desert night, “I give myself to you.”
“Okay, but then what?”
“Then you share that part of me with others, with those you deem worthy, deserving and together we reap the rewards…” the Rock Soul Gem Stone’s voice was clear, calm and cool, he spoke easy like the sea breeze, “I just want to be with you, in your garden. I will give you something when you need it, when you want it and all you have to do is let me be there, with you, in your garden.”
“You’re like my fucking goose who lays golden eggs?” The Warrior Princess was not an idiot, she never played the patsy and she never suffered fools lightly. She demanded, “Tell me the truth, why?”
“I don’t understand…Love?”
“This is Love, it’s not what you expect and it’s nothing one could easily imagine, but it’s Love, that’s why…You found me, after so much pressure and time, you found me. You romanced me, hashing this diamond from the rough into the most incredible gem stone on the planet. Love. I feel it, you do too, don’t you?”
“Love for a rock?” as the words left her thick, kissable lips, she tried to suck them back in, “No, I mean, yes…you’re right, I feel Love too.”
“That’s all the answer you’ll ever need, Warrior Princess…Love.”