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The Castro District, San Francisco, California |
Late last May, while walking in The Castro District of San Francisco late one afternoon, as that fresh Pacific breeze washed over the painted ladies and quaint boutiques, there were dozens and dozens of those rainbow gay pride flags flying everywhere and it caught my eye; it didn’t hurt so I looked to notice them flying from the post office and library, from the street poles and nearly every window I could spy. It made me smile, they were pretty and I enjoyed the pride being shown, this was months before The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage and the flags waved, reminding me that anything is possible if enough people believe, I didn’t mind the flags, despite flying on “public properties”, it was only a simple symbol, a colorful piece of cloth that means something to some people (and other things to other people), but it’s just a flag.
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Confederate Flag Pride in Mississippi |
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A Symbol of Death and Tyranny? |
But okay, if given that, The Confederate Flag is indeed symbolic of racist sentiments, why are we not also banning The United States of America Flag too? Isn’t Old Glory just as guilty of racism, hate crimes and atrocities around the world too? Hell, for that matter, The Old Stars and Stripes has a lot more fresher blood stained across it’s mast than The Confederate Flag…despite it’s featured role in the South Carolina hate crime massacre terrorist attack! If one is censoring an essentially historic flag because some have decided that it’s a symbol of racism, oppression and unrest then you must also consider those same standards when pledging allegiance to the star spangled banner itself; The Flag which flies over The United States and it’s destinations of occupation abroad, is perhaps even MORE egregious and offensive than either The Confederate Flag or The Gay Pride Flag or both put together!
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The American Flag is Stained with Fresh Blood |
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Mainstream Media Produces Fear... |
We freak out about the notion of same sex couples enjoying the ritual of marriage but the hundreds of thousands families living in poverty and homeless just gets us pissed off so we ignore it? Those are Freak Fags, we’re all subject to them but how we chose to react is our responsibility. It seems many chose to pledge allegiance to False Flags and Freak Fags than even discuss an alternative solution.
The clerk in Kentucky who defied the law over her religious beliefs, the presidential candidate who claimed she was doing the right thing, break the law if it’s not a good one; these are Freak Fags. The billionaire real estate mogul who is running for president is a master capitalist of this Freak Fag activity. He is tapping into the fear, animosity, frustration and anger yet worse; the result is that the most base of human emotions, hate, is rising higher in the
polls everyday! Freak Fag is done by the left too, between the nanny state of mind, be as liberal as you like as long as you don’t hurt yourself or others attitudes combined with a steep sense of self-entitlement and sheep-minded attitudes, they are lulled into a collective state of stupor where their most basic rights are stripped away to nothing. Freak Fags, like False Flags and Flotsam are all we’re left saluting these days.
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Are Corporations People Too? |
The Freak Fag part of this that although “corporations” are now considered “people”, they are still not held accountable, as a person certainly would, for their egregious crimes against nature, humanity and the true aim of our Republic Democracy. Modern Flotsam is The TSA, The Patriot Act and an over zealous law enforcement system that not only erodes our collective freedoms, but puts many of us at risk of death by cop, jailed for subversion and even, eventually, leads us to a fascist state of martial law.
The Flotsam we deal with is not by accident, it’s not a direct result of 9/11 or any other perceived threat from “evil doers” around the world…it’s spawn, nurtured and propagated by our very own nation, by The United State of America, Incorporated.
Was 9/11 an inside job? This is an easy question to answer, especially if you completely disregard the government’s entire narrative and examine only the facts…the answer is an unequivocal yes, the entire 9/11 event was indeed an inside job. The next question then becomes, if it’s an inside job…by who and why would they do just an awful thing? Again, if we stick to the facts, the first one we’ll clearly see is that the official United States government’s narrative is bullshit…so, why would they lie? Perhaps they are lying to protect us, this is the logic we’re hearing, to protect us…but from whom? The Soviets? The Aliens? A bunch of Islamic extremist (who, incidentally, the USA funded long before 9/11/01 and continues funding to this day)? No, the only threat to the American people is the American government!
They have been stripping away our rights to privacy and many Americans simply shrug, believing it’s needed for the greater good and since they don’t have “anything to hide”, most people don’t seem to care about the lack of privacy. The next step will be taking the right to free speech, which is already happening at many levels, but still most citizens are seemingly unconcerned. Think about it, for a moment just consider that not giving a shit about your privacy because you “have nothing to hide” is very much like saying you don’t care about free speech “because you have nothing to say”; this is inside/out logic! It’s a twisted and nefarious plot to further diminish our significance, making us both more in debt to the corporate/government machine and control the resources of the world. Does anybody remember the history they taught us in grade school? As slanted and fictional as our school history books are, they did tell the tale of The Boston Tea Party. There were a few British subjects who did not like the taxes levied by Great Britain so these rebellious subjects dressed up to disguise themselves as Native Americans and attacked The East India Tea Company’s ship in Boston Harbor. One event led to another, but all of it was predicated on a series of lies, misinformation, guerrilla terrorism in battle and the eventual support of business interests.
This is how our country started, it continues to this very day as well…the great hope for humanity, the Golden Dream of The United States of America has become nothing more than another Evil Empire…perhaps like “Star Wars”, but more like the cruel Roman Empire, The Mongoloid or Byzantine Empires…a ruthless, domineering suppression of the human spirit for the benefit of a very few individuals.
[EDITORIAL NOTE: At this point, as I am doing a quick edit on this article before posting it, I decided to delete two whole paragraphs which were originally in this portion of the article. These two paragraphs called for a second revolution in the united states and suggested an effective, non-violent method of affecting change as successfully used in recent history in Eastern Europe (and helped to topple The U.S.S.R.) and how to make that sort of revolution happen here in the United States. But I omitted them and the sole reason is because I suspect it would move my name further up the government’s watch list…I am expressing dissent, I am calling for change using peaceful, non-violent measures but if I actually spelled it out, I believe I will somehow be taken out.]
Freak Fags, False Flags and Flotsam, this is the United States of America today. A place divided by racial or economic diversities, a nation under siege from it’s own government, a country which is poisoning the food supply, raping the land of natural resources and making it’s own subjects pay for the privilege. Face it, folks…we are no longer “citizens” of The United States, we are simply “subjects” in the vast umbrage of a very cruel, corrupt and greedy few individuals. We no longer engage in the pursuit of happiness, we just settle for contentment. We are no longer guaranteed liberty, we’re granted various privileges. We do not have unalienable right to Life, we’re allowed to simply exist. This is not the home of the free nor the land of the brave; it is the home of the caged and land of the slaves.
There are no real opportunities, no real chance of anyone growing up to be anything they want…There is only Freak Fags, False Flags and Flotsam.
Happy 9/11, Never Forget!
(it was an inside job)