Do you believe in the metaphysical arts and sciences? This is the practice of various forms of rituals, beliefs and cosmic laws of nature and most of it is both demonized by religions and yet, it’s the corner stones of most religions. The Celtic, The Druids and the Mystics of Avalon in Europe understood these tenants as well as the Ancient Greeks, The Egyptian Empire and Great Chinese Dynasties…the subtle art and science of metaphysical laws is as old as humankind’s first thoughts. The phrase “As Above, So Below” is first noted in the beginning of The Emerald Tablet which was inscribed upon the tablet in cryptic wording by Hermes Trismegistus. The significance of this phrase is that it is believed to hold the key to all mysteries and embraces the entire system of traditional and modern magic. All systems of magic are claimed to function by this formula. "'That which is above is the same as that which is below”...Macro-cosmos is the same as micro-cosmos; the universe is the same as God; God is the same as Human; Human is the same as the cell; the cell is the same as the atom; the atom is the same as universe...and so on, ad infinitum.
Exploring The Metaphysical Worlds... |
I believe in this, above all other forms of belief systems, this is a logical theory which works for my all too factually based mind. I have a hard time getting behind any religion…Christian or Jew or Muslim or The Church of The Shoobby-Whopdue, they are all based on mythic fables, fabrication and twisted versions of the basic tenants of “As Above, So Below” principal. Why would I trust a warped version of the truth when a clearer version of the truth is right there in front of me? I don’t, I simply reject those beliefs systems as being incompatible with my mind, and though it might work for others I can’t subscribe to their practice, dogmas or application in my experience of life. I know there is a divine energy that transmogrifies the entire universe, manifesting itself into a variety of different forms, including human and planetary, of this I am certain (I think)! I honor this, I respect and willfully follow this flow of universal energy but I’m not about to limit the experience to the constrains of those Metaphysical Arts of Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, I Ching or other delicate practices. I certainly respect both the positions and practices of Wiccan, dark Magic or other practitioners, but to me it’s not a whole lot different than any other religion full of rituals, incantations (prayers) or organized/political hierarchies. It all comes down, still, to the personal connection one has with the universe and nothing less, nothing else, nothing new…

My mother’s gypsy aunt, she grew up in the remote hills of Armenia, first exposed me to these ancient arts & sciences. She was a palm reader, she did complex charts of our astrological signs, she exposed me to the ancient meanings of the tarot and she had this was of looking at people, almost as if she could see their soul, their past or future, she was an amazing, entrancing woman. Later, as a young man tripping across the country following the Grateful Dead, I had for a while a traveling companion who read tarot cards and did numerology readings for people while I cooked them a grill cheese sandwich or sold them a t-shirt…it was her gig, her craft and I always enjoyed learning more about this secret science. Being the kind of freak I am, I also read every single one of my friend’s books on the subject…and then a few more…that’s why she stopped traveling with me, I think…I remembered what all the cards, numbers and signs meant better than she did. I couldn’t help it, I’m a freak who remembers everything.
This my Tarot Card...what's yours? |
I did, however, learn more, so I started to compare this cosmic information to the events of my life as they eventually unfolded…I naturally see a similar set of attributes to particular kinds of people…not that it’s anywhere near 100% accurate nor do I ever base my opinion of others on their astrological signs, but it’s a better indication of character, for me, than what they might be wearing or what school they went to or what they do for a living. I like numbers too, I think everything in the universe ultimately comes down to numbers and as such, an individual’s “life numbers” are significant, at least more than other “obvious” attributes. The same is true with other “factual” data about the self…you do have a date and time of birth, you were born on a specific part of this planet and the moon, the other planets, the stars and celestial bodies at large where, in fact, at a specific point when you enterer this consciousness; it stands to reason there is some bearing on how this can impact your life. In my perception of reality this works and I know it’s not applicable for all people. Some people find it in an organized religion, some find it by accident and some never get it at all. I think that part of my personality, portions of my life’s lessons and to some degree, the manner in which I manifest my destiny is directly related to the metaphysical arts and sciences…As Above, So Below.
As Above, So Below... |
In morning when I walk, in the early dawn light, this is pretty factual, my ruling planet of Jupiter is most easily found in the eastern skies, just below the horizon, between the sun and Earth. Both Venus and Mars are also in this vicinity and the moon is not yet full; what does this mean for me and how is important to where my life is? The truth is, it isn’t, it has no fucking bearing on shit in my life. That’s not important, but what it does for me, how it makes me feel while walking that morning walk, is a daily revelation of spirit. I observe the stars, the skies and moon, the time of day and where on the planet I am and it causes me to pause, ponder and rethink all those things I know about the metaphysical realms. I think about an abstract notion, like looking at a problem in life with a special cosmic lens, I see something I might have otherwise missed. Knowing there are certain truths, there are cycles and time is a three dimensional experience, I move my mind in a way to resolve a problem with bit of imagination and a little bit of math! By the time I get home from the walk, when the realities of responsibility and obligations and promises I make to myself are awaiting just inside the door, I breath deep with a sigh of relief that no matter how bad a matter might seem in the moment, it’s only but a moment in the grandest of scheme of the metaphysical realities.
Now Hiring a Business Conductor! |
As Above, So Below and so it seems I must go…I didn’t have a point when I started and I’ve yet to find one now, so I guess I should try to get to work, this book ain’t going to write itself! There’s more to the business at hand than just getting going on the new book too, I have been struggling with trying to put together an end of the year promotional thing and I thought I had an excellent candidate in mind, but it seems she’s maybe not so interested in me, at least not just yet (I hope); Life Goes On…like I say in that one book I wrote, The Beatles said it before I did too…but I’m looking for some West Coast connections, some valuable, viable help in being an executive sort for me…I’m good with the creative shit, I can do the razzle dazzle bits too, but how I suck at being the boss, the one who can orchestrate it all…I need a Business Conductor! Yeah, that’s the job position title, a Business Conductor, like the leader of this symphony or the one on the train who makes the engines go…got to get me a Business Conductor!

Perhaps it’s in the stars for me to feel a bit silly, sorry…or not, who cares? Again, my friends far and wide, deep and shallow and casual voyeurs at large, I’m a bit restricted to my on-line communique due to technical issues with my Android device…the touch screen is not operating well, it’s not responding and when it does, it freaks out…I’ve had problems with apps freezing/force stopping also…in particular G+, Flipboard and my text apps…I can, of course, use this nifty XPS, it’s both a laptop and a tablet, but I just don’t feel that geek in me, not lately…so I’ll deal on the technical issues and be a bit limited regarding when and how long I can catch-up on-line…but thank you for your comments/+, I do hope everyone is fair well and healthy, happy, at peace and safe…
As Above, So Below and my Love, now I go!
26 August 2015
The San Joaquin Valley
Republic of California