31 December 2014


There are certain years in one’s life which are so pivotal and profound, they become key milestones in the journey that is Life…at least, this is my experience. I suspect I’m not alone either, am I? In the fifty (very) odd years on which I’ve been having this human experience, I can cite perhaps a half dozen very significant years in my life, points upon which my experience took a left or right, there was a fork in the road or something is so profound and emotionally charged that I make a significant choice in my life. This year that’s now over, it is the opening pages of a new chapter in my life and I’m embracing it with such a welcome and humble feeling. The year we called 2014 is one of the most significant years in my life, so much changed for me and my family. The change in my life is huge, aside from the book deal, aside from relocating across the continent and starting over again, this change is from within myself and the only word that I can use to describe it is “wisdom” and even then, I feel humbled to even utter that word, hardly wise am I, but it’s the closest word to describe, perhaps, this next chapter of my life’s experience as a human will be titled “Wisdom”, either that or perhaps “Fool”, but either way, it’s a really unique feeling for me and I am very much enjoying it…at this point in my life I am feeling my power and presence easily. I have an abundance of confidence in my abilities (on many levels) and aside from simply, honestly really liking who I am, I’m so humble and Grateful for the time and many blessings I have in my life now, in the past and (I hope) the future.

As 2014 concludes and I review my checklist of goals, actions, tasks and, yes, resolutions I made on this day a year ago (I do believe writing them down helps me accomplish them, eventually), here’s a true account of my list, December 31, 2013:

  • Ø  Find a publisher for “My BiPolar Reality; How Life Goes On…” (accomplished 4/30/14)
  • Ø  Take an “exploration vacation” to California with Kelly  (accomplished 4/19-30/14)
  • Ø  Relocate from Palatine to California’s San Joaquin Valley (accomplished 6/15-7/19/14)
  • Ø  Get Julian’s High School Certification and Driver’s License (accomplished 11/20/14)
  • Ø  Get Maggie into 8th Grade/Better Social Engagement (accomplished 9/14)
  • Ø  Help Cassidy with his Emotional Issues (on-going, but progress since 8/14)
  • Ø  Work out with Kelly more often/Help her weight issue (struggling, ongoing, losing)
  • Ø  Manage healthy weight between 155-170 all year (on-going, but I average 168lbs)
  • Ø  Eat better meals, twice daily, whole foods (completely botched this one, fail)
  • Ø  Start Promoting Book/Sell 1,000 copies by TODAY (fumbling this one now, only sold 288 units)

So, with a little over four hours left of this year for me, I shall put down these goals for myself during the next year of 2015:

  • Ø  Successfully Promote “My BiPolar Reality” and sell 10,000 units
  • Ø  Organize and Execute “Awareness Campaign” with major media coverage
  • Ø  Scout/Research Potential Colony Sites in California
  • Ø  Help Julian get EMT certification/Recording Studio
  • Ø  Help Maggie continue to thrive where we are…
  • Ø  Get Cassidy out to California for “Exploration Vacation” for himself
  • Ø  Help Kelly gain confidence to operate our Family business
  • Ø  Celebrate Kelly & Me Being Married 20 Years in Las Vegas to Renew Vows with Family in July
  • Ø  Get the family more involved in physical activities outdoors/camping

So that’s what I’ve got planned for my new year, how about you? In terms of the immediate moment, as well the past few days and the next few days, I’ve been immersed in the family experience, not doing any work and simply enjoying wasting time together, because that’s never wasted time during this time of year…Everyone is healthy and currently they are out getting last minute supplies for tonight’s fun. I’m making dinner, we’re going to play games, get fun, listen to music, dance and sing and lay our instruments…perhaps towards the end of the evening we’ll veg out on an episode of our favorite Sci-Fi show (“Fringe”) and then slip into a gentle slumber, sleeping until whenever and welcoming the new morning with the promise of a brand new year…Welcome to 20!5, things are about to get weird.

May you all have a most enjoyable New Year, be safe and happy, hope TwentyFifteen finds you and yours in excellent health, full of good fortune and sharing a lot of Love…

